Lead and seed to efficiency and independence.
Harvest Family Life currently distributes groceries in partnership with 4 churches serving 3 counties. The groceries and other donated items are provided on a first come, first served basis to households in or on the brink of poverty. Food is distributed on a monthly basis and when other food resources become available via our community providers, we make arrangements with partners for quick distribution. When food is distributed, relationships are developed and volunteers are encouraged to share the Gospel and offer prayer support.

Shop with a Cop is an event during the Christmas season that focuses on fostering positive relationships between police officers, churches, and foster youth, children and families in under-resourced communities. CPS identifies families in need and at the event, the families are teamed up with a police officer and church volunteer to “Christmas Shop” both for the child and any he/she wants to purchase items for, up to a pre-designated amount. After shopping, the children, officers, and volunteers eat together and wrap gifts they purchased for others. Occasionally Santa even makes an appearance at Shop with a Cop!
In partnership with Freedom Church, HFLM began a homelessness recovery pilot program to see if churches, community based programs, and key leaders could work together to serve families facing homelessness and on the brink of child welfare involvement. HFLM continues to lead this effort and its staff are engaged in this program development and implementation on a daily basis. If you're interested in supporting a family recovering from homelessness, please contact us!

The Harvest House in Brownwood is the home for all our ministry efforts there in our ministry home-town. The Honor Academy is hosted there as well as various additional events throughout the year including our community garden. The house is always bustling with kids of all ages.
Harvest Family Life is currently engaged in a pilot program to manage resource rooms at seven elementary programs in DISD. These onsite resource rooms are available to Dallas ISD teachers and social workers for children in need. This provides children in need with immediate access to necessary items for their health, safety and well-being. The resource rooms are stocked with most of the requested items the staff requested. We will continue to manage this pilot program through 2023 and make any necessary changes in order to best serve the students in need.
If you’re interested in donating items or volunteering in one of these resource rooms, please contact Ellyn Favors at elfavors@dallasisd.org.