Church Equipping
Harvest Family Life exists to engage,
equip and empower
the Church to care for vulnerable children and their families. We are committed to walk every step with every church longing to see the orphan crisis eradicated in their region. We have five key elements in our equipping & empowering process that include:
Church assessment
First, you'll complete the church assessment and meet with our team. We'll listen to you as the expert on your community and help you determine when, where, and how to get started. Completing the Church Assessment and beginning these conversations will lead to identifying the best point person for your church who has knowledge, experience, or growing interest in the child welfare system and serving vulnerable families within and outside your church walls.
We will walk with you the whole way.
HOST stand sunday
Stand Sunday is traditionally obeserved the second Sunday of November and is an opportunity to raise awareness of the US orphan crisis and engage church members in caring for vulnerable children and families. Churches typically show a video, share a testimony, gather in prayer, and invite church members to an upcoming "Next Steps" type of gathering for sharing how everyone can do something.
Create a
careportal response team
But how will the churches meet and supply the practical needs, and eventually share the gospel with the vulnerable children and families in their communities? Through utilizing the CarePortal - a technology platform that connects the church to a child in need. CarePortal is not a ministry, but it does provide the connecting point for ministry. We can help equip your church for the most effective use of CarePortal and serving the families you will meet.
Develop A Foster Care MINISTRY
Under your church's unique leadership and with understanding of your specific community, we will help you develop a ministry focused on orphan prevention, intervention (foster & adoption), and transition (to healthy adulthood) all centered on sharing and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus. Check out our 27 Ways to Get Involved in Foster Prevention, Intervention, and Transition here.
Join a cab
Community advisory Board
No two communities are exactly the same.
Our Community Advisory Boards (CAB) are cross-sector collaborations of churches, community leaders and agencies who care for children who are at risk or are experiencing abuse and neglect and their families. The Church's leadership in a CAB is absolutely essential as orphan care is one of the Church's primary responsibilities.