Early in 2024, Bishop Aaron Blake, Sr., CEO and Founder of Harvest Family Life Ministries was diagnosed with AML - Acute Myeloid Leukemia - a cancer of the blood. Treatments include chemotherapy, other drug therapy, and stem-cell transplants. In the midst of a lengthy hospitalization with daily chemotherapy, he was asking how he was "really" doing. Bishop Blake responded:
"It's All God, so It's All Good."
It is to this truth that we cling when our faith may be otherwise tested. We believe the Lord heals miraculously whether by an instantaneous touch or through the wisdom and treatment of physicians led by His hand. Bishop Blake, his wife, First Lady Blake, his incredible family, and the team at Harvest Family Life thank you for your continued prayer and support.
Many have asked, "how can I help?" Here are four ways you can support Bishop Blake:
1. Sign up to “Be The Match” not just possibly for Bishop Blake but for someone else needing a bone marrow transplant. TEXT BishopBlake to 61474 to sign up and receive your free kit by mail!
2. Send a Note of Encouragement -
Bishop Aaron Blake Harvest Family Life Ministries
P.O. Box 1002
Red Oak, Texas 75154
3. Send a Gift Card for a Meal -
Click here to Visit the Blake's Meal Train​
4. Buy a "All God All Good" T-Shirt
All Proceeds from t-shirt sales go directly to support ministry to vulnerable children and families.