How to Give
We rely on support from people like you to create sustainable change in the lives of children and families. 100% of your donations to our orphan care and prevention programs go exactly where you intend them. We do not use any of your generous gifts for our administrative overhead or fundraising expenses. This is possible because a generous group of dedicated donors who cover our overhead so you don't have to.
The financial and volunteer support we receive makes a big difference in how we serve vulnerable children and their families. We'd be honored to have you partner with us through an investment of your time, talent, and treasure. Harvest Family Life Ministries is a 501-c3 organization; therefore, your donation is considered tax deductible.
To give via check, please use our P.O. Box:
Harvest Family Life Ministries
P.O. Box 1002
Red Oak, Texas 75154
To give cash, please come visit us in person at:
Harvest Family Life Ministries
1800 S. Hampton Rd.
Glenn Heights, TX 75154​​
To give via zelle, please use the email address info@hflm.org.
To give via credit, debit, or ACH, please see the form below.
Additionally, we value resources that could be distributed to children and families as well as time and talent investments as well. If you are interested in giving an in-kind donation, or volunteering with professional services or at one of our events, please contact info@hflm.org.
Harvest Family Life Ministries is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. EIN 90-0111732.