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In 2020, 16, 522 children were removed from unsafe homes in the state of Texas.


60 children were voluntarily relinquished to CPS care.


Some of these children were immediately placed with relatives or waiting foster homes, but too many of them were left waiting and essentially homeless until a home became available. These children, now referred to as CWOP - Children without Placement, had been sleeping in CPS offices, but the state of Texas has now prohibited this temporary arrangement. As the prohibition has taken effect, the question remains:


"where will these dear children go?"


After meeting with CPS and hearing the sense of urgency in the compassionate voices of caseworkers giving their lives to care for these vulnerable children, a generous donor with Harvest Family Life Ministries, a ministry that exists to engage, equip, and empower the church and community to serve vulnerable children and their families, purchased the Harvest House nestled in downtown Waxahachie in Ellis County. Since then, faithful volunteers have given every (dry) weekend toward this home's renovation so it can become a safe place of refuge for children who have faced traumatic removal. We pray that those who sow into this home now, whether it be with time, talent, or resources, will see a full eternal harvest of joy in their own lives. We believe that this home will also bring some joy to the lives of the children who will walk through its doors.


The Harvest House is 1,065 sq ft with a wrap around porch, double car port, and 3 sheds in the back. When complete, case workers with children without placement will be able to retire to the house for rest, meals, and play. We plan to furnish the home comfortably to temporarily house up to 6 children at a time. The average age of children entering the foster care system is 6 1/2 and those who are more difficult to place are those ages 6-17 and larger family groups. The children who will find refuge at the Harvest House could stay anywhere from one to 30 days. Between state provisions and local church volunteer groups, the children will be fed, nourished, and loved in such profound ways they likely have never experienced before.


Due to the tireless efforts of some dear friends of the ministry, the Harvest House was successfully renovated from 2 bedroom 1 bath to 3 bedroom 1.5 baths. A storage building in the back has also been renovated into a 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment to house ministry staff. The ongoing cost to maintain the house and provide Christ-centered programming, is $2,200 per month. 


Would you consider accepting the invitation and/or forwarding the invitation to friends and family who may be interested in giving toward the Harvest House project? No gift is too large or too small and 100% of the designated gifts will be used for the home's ongoing operation. All gifts are tax deductible.



Both one time and recurring financial donations for the renovation or the ongoing operational costs for the home, can be mailed to Harvest Family Life Ministries, 1800 S. Hampton Rd., Glenn Heights, TX 75154 or given online here.

The Invitation


Renovation Now Complete!

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